I realize I have been MIA from the blog world for several months now. It is not because there has been nothing to write about- rather, that it's seldom easy to find the time/motivation to write. I blame the holidays for making time scarce, and then laziness for not getting around to writing. It wasn't until my dear friend Molly threatened to turn me into DCFS for blog neglect that I decided it was time to get back on the cyber wagon.
Since there is no way to capture the past three months fully, let me provide a snapshot of the season since I last wrote.
Thanksgiving this year was small. Just a few good friends over for dinner. I made a turkey, and snapped at Paul for telling me how to do things. The usual.
Perhaps I should have listened to him, as after 5 hours of cooking, the turkey didn't look right. Turns out, I was cooking it upside down! It could have been worse-after 5 hours of simmering in the marinade and juices, it was delicious!
Of course, the highlight was not the meal (although it was amazing), but the company. Paul, Jeff McLean, Matt Kovich, and Chad Harlow are all people I am very grateful for.
Every Christmas, my NY family of friends has our own Christmas celebration together before we travel to spend Christmas with our families. As usual, it is always a night of debauchery, gift giving, laughter, and reliving favorite memories of the year. I am so lucky to have these friends who have been with me for all of my adult life.
By the time Christmas comes, I am always so eager to get on a plane, head to Idaho, and do nothing for a week. It is such a treat to sleep in, lay around, eat mom's cooking, play with my niece and nephews, see extended family, and just enjoy being lazy and taken care of for a few days.
My nephew Mitchell turned 5 on December 24th- it is always so fun to be able to attend his birthday parties- this year he dressed as Santa. SO CUTE!
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