Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Graduation that Wasn't

So, after two long and grueling years of working full time AND being a full time student (18 credits this last semester) this week marks the week I would have graduated (if I had chosen to walk). I decided not to bother with the ceremony because;
1) I had just returned from The Dominican Republic the day before.
2) No family was able to come out for the ceremony.
3) I still have 2 summer courses, so it's not like I am really done.

Following the last day of classes, I went out with a couple of my nearest and dearest school friends. How is it that in a Social work program that is 80% female, my closest friends were male???

I need to take a class in how to make and keep girlfriends!


Mitch said...

Congratulations! Also, yesterday I started thinking about your getting banged post and it made me laugh out loud. I love that you cut your bangs to the roots. You're a star.

mandbrid said...

Congrats Karyn! What an accomplishment - that's gotta feel great.

Tamara said...

Congrats and I will always love you!!